Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Explore the potential of returnable packaging & pooling companies at the Auto Logistics Global Conference

At the Auto Logistics Global Conference later on this month, I am inviting the automotive industry to explore the potential benefits one trip returnable packaging can bring to their supply chain.

One of the biggest issues I have with the industry is the reluctance to take an in-depth look at the possibilities of plastic returnable packaging and pooling companies. This is a point I have made numerous times in previous blog posts and one that I would like to highlight again in the run up to the conference in Detroit.

In a globally competitive industry which is constantly looking to drive up profit and reduce costs, investment can be a contentious issue as the focus is on ROI, ROI, ROI. This is why sometimes it is easier for manufacturers to stick to what they know and attempt to cope with the issues they encounter with the tools they have at their disposal.

In order to experience the benefits of returnable packaging coupled with a pooling company there is no investment needed. Using the Macro PlasticsISO Bin to transport components and parts on a global scale on a one trip basis, the OEM or tier supplier is only charged for the rental of the bin and the outbound journey. There is no charge for the inbound journey as the pooling company is able to use the bin for another client. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the ROI as no upfront investment is required, you simply pay for the service that is provided.

The cost savings compared to the expendable packaging currently used or owning returnable packaging solutions is significant. In addition to the cost savings mentioned above, the ISO Bin provides the best pack density on the market which further reduces costs as you are able to move higher quantities using fewer bins.

Ask yourself what challenges you are currently encountering in the supply chain; how do you plan to address these? Can your current packaging solution help you?

Then look at the challenges you see on the horizon and are your current packaging solutions able to cater for the challenges ahead?

Using a pooling company in conjunction with ISO Bin is a global first that delivers results both today and tomorrow.

If you are attending the Auto Logistics Global Conference in Detroit and would like to know more about the benefits the ISO Bin and a one trip returnable solution please come over for a chat. We will be exhibiting the ISO Bin so you can see it for yourself.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Broaden your knowledge of returnable packaging at Auto Logistics Global Conference, Detroit.

In September the Auto Logistics Global Conference is taking place in Detroit and we will be there showcasing the opportunities that Macro Plastics’ ISO Bin can provide you in your global supply chain.

The key areas of the conference will be Big Data and the internet of things and both of these can be utilised by the industry to improve sustainability and create opportunities for the coming years.
If the industry understood the potential of returnable packaging in a global supply chain, they would realise how they can make their operations more sustainable and help them realise opportunities they have on the horizon.

I believe that there is a lack of awareness within the automotive industry about the opportunity for Global returnable transit packaging. Due to the lack of knowledge there is a fear to try something new in the supply chain which is the only way that the individuals responsible for logistics will be able to get a better picture of how these type of solutions can benefit them in the long run.

I recently came across an infographic by Control Hub highlighting that supply chain and logistics mangers believe that costs could be better controlled. There were two statistics that drew my attention. Firstly, 43% were concerned about identifying the most efficient shipping routes and reducing miles. Identifying the shortest or most cost effective route to transport components from tier suppliers and OEM’s is always going to be on the agenda. The interesting element of this statistic was the reducing miles part. Fully understanding the opportunities of using returnable packaging, 
such as the ISO Bin, helps to increase pack density. Therefore, shipping more parts per load which in turn reduces the number of loads and therefore reducing the miles.

Secondly, only 28% of the managers were concerned about the optimisation of the transportation network with pooling points. This again raises my main angst about supply chain and logistics managers not fully understanding the potential pooling companies can provide when using returnable packaging in a global manufacturing footprint. The Control Hub article concludes that on the whole companies agree that logistics costs can be better controlled yet less than a third of those questioned are interested in looking at the efficiency improvements and cost savings pooling providers can deliver.

This is an industry growing on a global scale looking to reduce costs, increase quantities and improve the bottom line. Utilising a pooling company in the global supply chain using a market leading returnable packaging solution can answer two of those objectives and contribute the third which is also the ultimate one – improving the bottom line.

During the Auto Logistics Global Conference, one of my aims is to open the eyes and ears of supply chain and logistics providers to the benefits that a product like the ISO Bin can bring them. The industry is consistently innovating the vehicles they produce, they should be thinking innovatively about their internal processes too. 

Monday, 6 July 2015

Global standardisation of packaging agreed upon for the first time

At the Auto Supply Chain Congress in Liverpool I chaired the packaging discussion on the final day. Alongside me on the panel was Bill Povey, Packaging Manager, Unipart Logistics; David Mayo, VP Automotive Europe, CHEP; and Wendell Smith, VP Sales, Macro Plastics.

 For the first time ever at an automotive conference, the panel agreed that there could and should be a standardised returnable packaging footprint that can be used across the globe in the supply chain.

Up until now there had been serious resistance to having a standardised product that can fit seamlessly into the supply chain across numerous continents. There have been various reasons and queries put forward by individuals within the industry as to why they don’t see a need for a packaging solution that can be transported by road, rail and sea across the globe.

OEM’s, tier suppliers and logistics providers are now coming to the consensus that some sort of standardised packaging is going to have to be the way forward. This is pleasing news for an element of the supply chain that is not given enough attention but underpins the whole process from OEM’s and tier suppliers through to the automotive manufacturers.

As a result of this lack of attention, the OEM’s are not fully aware of what returnable packaging can bring to their supply chain.

During the discussion Bill Povey pointed out that returnable packaging offers cost benefits to the client and health and safety benefits to the logistics providers. This indicates that there are benefits to all of the parties involved in the supply chain. These benefits can be felt on a larger scale if there was some sort of standardisation across the globe.

The standardisation is not some far flung dream, it is constantly increasing in importance for the automotive industry and is becoming harder for people to ignore.

The prime example of the need for a standard returnable packaging solution is the Ford Focus. By 2018 Ford will be manufacturing the Focus in five location
s around the globe, requiring the same parts and components in all of those locations on a large scale.

In the current environment, when tier suppliers and OEM’s are preparing to bid/ tender for work they have to consider the viability of transportation and logistics solutions.

They have to look at manufacturing locally which in the context of the Ford Focus would mean locating in five locations requiring large scale investment. A second option is having to package parts and components to be sent to up to five locations with various parameters and requirements. Again extra costs would be incurred by having to package and handle components for different locations.

With the option of a packaging solution that is standardised the OEM’s and tier suppliers can manufacture in their current locations and ship to five different corners of the globe using one product. This significantly reduces the costs compared to the options I mentioned above and, also, drive down their costs compared to the options above and drive down their current packaging and handling costs. This is without looking into the benefits of using logistic pooling companies.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

What do you want Returnable Packaging to do for you? – Packaging Discussion, Auto Supply Chain Congress, Liverpool.

During the Auto Supply Chain congress in Liverpool, I will be chairing a discussion on packaging and what the automotive industry wants it to do in the global supply chain. I am keen to know what the industry is currently using to package their components, the issues they have with the materials they are using and most importantly, their plans for the future.

I want to understand the industries thoughts on those areas because packaging’s role is growing in importance within the global supply chain and overall manufacturing process in the automotive industry.

Logical planning and implementation of packaging solutions can help deal with the pressures of the overall manufacturing process from tier suppliers, OEMs and the 4PL’s through to the manufacturer.
So think about this – are your materials delivering value for money and, secondly, are they sustainable enough to cope with the increasing demands related to time frames and quality?

With increasing demand on a global scale, packaging is required to be robust, agile and cost effective. Are your packaging solutions meeting these expectations?

Plastic returnable packaging is one solution that caters for all of the demands of the automotive industry, driving down costs and improving efficiencies in the global supply chain. Plastic is increasingly becoming the material of choice for the automotive industry when looking to improve their packaging, the main reason behind this is the fact it can produce the results manufacturers require time and again.

Moving to returnable packaging offers a variety of options and benefits compared to expendables such as wood and cardboard. Plastic returnable packaging helps to streamline the handling process from tier supplier to plant reducing both costs and timescales.

You can mould the returnable packaging solution to suit your requirements by using pooling companies which also helps to reduce the costs of packaging. Using pooling companies in a global supply chain improves efficiencies without the need for capital investment as you only pay for the outbound trip. When using a pooler there is no charge for the return journey as the company uses it for another customer in the same area. There is no ROI as there is no investment in the first place when using pooling companies.

I have been surprised at the lack of knowledge of pooling companies offering returnable solutions in the automotive industry. Even more surprised to hear that some in the industry aren’t even aware of the viable options now available.

The packaging discussion at the Auto Supply Chain Congress is all about hearing your ideas and thoughts on what you want your supply chain to do for you. 

Friday, 29 May 2015

The ISO Bin should be the industries returnable of choice, see why at Auto Supply Chain, Liverpool

How much does it cost you to dispose of your packaging? Or if you do happen to use returnable, do you think there could be competitive alternatives?

With the ISO Bin from Macro Plastics, sponsor of the AutoSupply Chain Congress, there are no costs to disposing of packaging as there is nothing to dispose of. Installing dunnage inside the ISO Bin removes the need for cardboard and plastic packaging, therefore no rubbish means no cost.

Then you have concerns about the cost of shipping back to the OEM or tier supplier? Have you encountered extortionate costs for return journeys previously?

Pay me a visit whilst in Liverpool at the congress so that you can see why this type of packaging is a viable alternative to your current method solely on the benefits of returning the bins.

Purchasing cardboard and assembling the packing is a recurring cost that is removed when using plastic returnable. Plastic returnable packaging also removes the costs associated with processing components in cardboard packaging. There are no storage costs, there is no need for picking and repackaging at the plant as the ISO Bin can go lineside. Then there are disposal costs that you incur with cardboard. This sustainable product not only helps your bottom line but also ensures that your supply chain is environmentally friendly, especially as we are now in a time when green standards are high on the agenda.

The ISO containers can be stacked 8 high on their return journey, this significantly reduces the space that is needed in comparison to current returnable options on the market. Therefore you can increase the number of units per container and reducing the cost of returning the bin.

With regard to the dunnage, a dedicated container is used to return the dunnage used in the delivery of the components to the plant. The bulk of the ISO Bins can then be collapsed down and stacked to either be returned to the tier supplier or can be used elsewhere in the supply chain.

The ISO Bin can be safely stacked in a warehouse 6 high when fully loaded, again reducing the space required in comparison to alternatives and reducing the storage costs.

Potential cost downs couple with improved performance of your growing supply chain cannot be ignored. This is a solution that delivers on the two key areas of the logistical process having a direct impact on the bottom line providing a ROI.

But then why do you need to be concerned about ROI when there are options that do not require capital investment?

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Come and see the ISO Bin at the Auto Supply Chain Congress, Liverpool

In June Macro Plastics are one of the sponsors of the Auto Supply Chain Congress in Liverpool and we will be exhibiting the ISO Bin.

During the congress the bin will be there so come and see for yourselves what it can do for your automotive supply chain. Saving time and money whilst helping you to improve the efficiencies throughout your logistics process, you can’t afford to ignore what this product has to offer.

What are you currently using in your Global supply chain to transport components from tier suppliers and OEMs?

Are you using returnable packaging at all? If not, why not?

As with anything new, there is always a little hesitancy and apprehension which is understandable but, when it comes down to business and an industry which is as fast paced as the automotive manufacturing, hesitancy can result in being left behind.

Therefore, Liverpool is the ideal opportunity to come and look at the ISO Bin first hand to gain a better understanding of returnable packaging and the ISO Bin in particular.

As the industry increases in complexity on a global scale the need to increase volumes and frequency whilst reducing costs is heightening. You have to ask yourself, are your current packaging solutions going to be up to the tasks you are facing?

Integrating the plastic ISO Bin into your global supply chain optimises pack densities utilising 97.2% of floor space in ISO Sea containers and can be stacked 3 high. The durability of the plastic used by Macro Plastics reduces the risk of damages during transportation. In comparison to using wood in your supply chain, plastic reduces the overall weight and in turn, shipping costs.

The ISO Bin has been designed so that it is able to go direct to line-side further reducing costs by removing the need for handling processes or repack. Having a packaging solution that allows components to arrive at the manufacturing plant and be transported directly to where it will be assembled onto the vehicle significantly reduces the risk of damages, improves speed and preserves quality in transit therefore reducing costs in the supply chain further.

Those are just some of the benefits of the ISO Bin concentrating on the first leg of the journey shipping the parts. We haven’t got into the results it can produce for you on the return journey; I will be covering this in my next blog.

As I have said earlier in this piece, the Auto Supply Chain congress is the perfect opportunity to get your head around the ISO Bin and have all of your questions answered. 

Thursday, 26 February 2015

The Taxi Journey

Within the Global Automotive supply chain and packaging industry, I have been surprised at the lack of knowledge and awareness of the role returnable packaging can play in these ever increasing and sometimes complex supply chains.

Everyone is concerned about cost savings wherever possible and squeezing all areas in order to reduce the money spent throughout the manufacturing and supply process. Then the second train of thought is how to cope with the growing demand across the globe to ensure they keep up with the demand of sales and deadlines. 

Yet there is a lack of awareness at the one solution that can help the automotive conquer both of these tasks, ‘one trip returnable packaging’ however when I speak to supply chain professionals there is a great number that don't grasp this idea.

I describe the concept of ‘one trip returnable packaging’ as simply a taxi service. One trip returnable packaging is the taxi service for the global supply chain. The Taxi is the packaging.

You call a taxi when you require it. The taxi arrives  you get in, or in this case the Component parts, the taxi proceeds on the journey dropping you, or in this case the component parts at the location. You pay the taxi driver the fare for the journey. Then the taxi moves onto the next job.

The plastic/steel returnable totes play the role of the taxi which are requested by the tier supplier to transport parts to the automotive manufacturer. The owner of the taxi is the pooling company, 4PL or OEM/Tier.

As a taxi takes you to the door of your location, returnable packaging can be taken directly to the assembly line. It does not require the handling processes associated with expendable packaging which could be likened to being dropped at the end of your street as opposed to outside your door. 

The client then pays for the journey that the parts have travelled. Then the returnable totes can then be used by someone else in a similar location. 

Therefore, the costs compared to expendable packaging are significantly reduced as there are no unpacking and repacking processes required as well as disposing of cardboard and wood from the expendable packaging.

Let’s discuss this in Bonn at the Automotive Logistics Conference.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Looking to save time and money in your supply chain? Returnable packaging can help you address that objective.

Global returnable packaging strips out the unnecessary packaging and handling processes. One solution fits all when you are looking to save money and time at the same time as improving the quality of your products.

At the Automotive Logistics Europe conference in March I will be interested to hear the industry’s thoughts on how they are looking to improve efficiencies and reduce costs in their global supply chain.

The automotive industry need to look at the opportunities “one trip” returnable packaging can offer them in a global market, especially when OEM’s and tier suppliers are exporting parts at an accelerating pace. An increasing number of parts are required in a growing number of manufacturing plants across the globe in larger quantities and more frequently.

Then the question arises, can your current handling processes handle these demands? Do you have the capacity to facilitate the demands? And lastly, have you considered the increased costings that are attached?

Using cardboard and wood is currently the norm and has been for many years and because of this the supply chain is ignoring all of the costs of one trip packaging. Currently OEM’s are employing 4 LPs and specialist repack companies to receive in component parts in wood and cardboard.

The classic hidden costs that are ignored by the supply chain are purchasing, procurement and making up of cardboard boxes, wood, dunnage and strapping.

Do you know what your damage costs are from one trip packaging in your global supply chain?

Returnable packaging allows the parts to go straight into the plant and to the line side. This is compared to cardboard packaging which has to be unpacked and then repacked at a handling centre near to the plant before being transported to the assembly line. Then there are the attached costs of disposing of the cardboard and plastic.

OEM’s – how much do you pay your repack company to unpack from one trip and then pack again into returnable packaging? And, by the way, what are your disposal costs?

These processes are unnecessary with the evolution of plastic returnable and will eventually become defunct. At a time when the automotive industry is looking to reduce costs and looking to 5 to 10 years ahead in improving their manufacturing and supply chain methods.

Look out for my next blog when I explain what the taxi service is. 

Monday, 9 February 2015

How can returnable packaging drive the performance of your global supply chain?

In March, I will be attending the annual AutomotiveLogistics Conference in Bonn, Germany, representing Macro Plastics.

To quote the beginning of the overview on the AutomotiveLogistics website of the conference – “Supply chain professionals at OEMs and Tier Suppliers across Europe are coming up with innovative – and contrasting – ways of improving the bottom line.”

This is exactly what returnable packaging provides and the ISO bin from Macro Plastics is both innovative and contrasting. Global returnable systems are currently in operation in the automotive supply chain.

Moving out of the financial difficulty which has shrouded the previous years, the automotive supply chain industry is looking towards refining their processes. Returnable packaging is one process that can be refined to make improvements to the supply chain immediately and making it resilient for years to come.

Reducing operating costs and improving efficiency are the two main aims of a supply chain. With the quantities, speed demands increasing on a continental and global scale returnable packaging is becoming a must.

The ISO bin is innovative in its design to a standardised international footprint, therefore it can fit in seamlessly into your global supply chain. Moving towards sustainable returnable packaging is inevitable as it is required to remain competitive in the automotive market. 

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Plastic containers are not just beneficial for Fresh Produce itself but also handling & storage

Designed to make handling easier, the Marco Plastics’ bin are considerably lighter than wood, this increases ease of handling by the workers on the farms and forklift trucks.

Workers only handle bins when they need to be turned or pushed into place unlike wood where there is more effort required.

Shaped feet and 4 way entry improves movement when forklifts are being used around the factory and warehouse. This improves productivity especially when the process involves 2 lifts, the second lift can be made faster and simpler from 90 degrees.

Shipping and storing is another fantastic feature of the Macro Bins as they can be nested therefore reducing space and costs. The design allows for three bins to be nested inside each other. As you can see from the video, one bin can be stored on its side inside another. Then a third can be flipped upside down and slotted on top to form a box. As a result, it reduces space and cost by a third compared to wooden bins.

Outstanding durability, built to withstand impacts that would ruin a wooden bin. Being on a farm and being handled by heavy machinery there are going to be instances of heavy impact. As the bin is built to withstand more than wood that reduces the costs of repairs and replacements. The Macro Bin can be repaired through hot air welding, a cost effective method that extends the life of the bin, something can’t be done with wood. The plastic that Macro Bins are made from are UV resistant therefore can be stored outside in warm climates without having to worry they are going be damaged.

Then when you do eventually reach a point when you would like to replace the bin they can be recycled, which you will be able to receive a fee for. So not only is the bin cost effective to purchase and use but at the end of its lifecycle it provide revenue. 

Friday, 9 January 2015

Keeping fruit fresher for longer with Macro Plastic bins

In an age when customers want the freshest fruit and vegetables possible all year round, growers are required to step up to these demands which the market dictates to them.

As with all areas of business, when demands change you need to keep with the market and to do that your practises and tools need to evolve over time.

In order to, provide customers with fresher apples that have a longer shelf life Crane & Crane are now using plastic bins throughout their growing process instead of wood.

Ventilation is key to keeping the fruit fresher forlonger.  The fruit cools more rapidly in storage in plastic, producing a better piece of fruit in terms of appearance and taste. Crucially, this enhances its shelf life which in turn reduces waste and costs.

As opposed to wood, that Crane & Crane were using previously, the plastic containers have ventilation holes throughout. Ventilation and the cooling process are vital for Crane & Crane in America due to the climate. There is an increased need for the quick cooling methods in the orchards and farms across southern Europe and Asia too due to the warm climate all year round. These slight adjustments from wood to plastic can benefit the bottom line of the business by reducing costs.

In order for Crane & Crane to supply apples globally all year round they have the world largest cooling facility. Storage is a key area of their operation and the plastic bins play a large role in this process.

The plastic bins stack and store a lot better than wooden bins. Crane & Crane are impressed with the interlocking design as the bins can be stacked higher than wooden and are a lot safer. This improves the handling process and productivity whilst storing the apples, reducing the time the forklift drivers need when ensuring bins are stacked correctly. All they have to do is line them up, send them down and the bins lock into place in a straight stack.

Crane & Crane have invested money in this as they saw see a benefit to their consumers and customers which naturally benefited their business.

Everything comes back to quality which has never changed over the decades they have been producing apples. What has changed is how they deliver that quality. One of these changes has been the move to Macro Plastics’ bin. 

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

“The Bin of the future” - Dubois Agrinovation

From harvest, handling and storage in the field, warehouse and factory, the Macro Bin is exactly what Dubois Agrinovation have been looking for.

Dubois Agrinovation calls it “the bin of the future” because “quality products require quality containers”.  The bins are made of high resistant injection moulded plastic, meets all the modern requirements of food product handling.

1.       Food product handling
2.       Food quality preservation
3.       Environmental health
4.       Ease of handling
5.       Durability / impact resistance
6.       Work safety

The Macro Bin preserves quality during and after harvest which is something wood could offer but only to a certain standard. The quality requirements by customers and consumers of fresh produce are on a continuous rise, wooden bins can no longer fulfil these requirements.

A key point to make is that the top lip and corners are round which reduces bruising and damage to the produce compared to wood. With ventilation slots on 4 sides and base, cooling becomes more efficient with constant air flow and products will remain fresher longer.

It is easier to create more uniform stacks leaving gaps between each stack which increases air flow during storage helping to maintain an even temperature in all bins.

The cleaning process is a lot easier than wooden bins, disinfection is also made a lot simpler as the plastic is non-porous which is FDA approved. No chemicals or water are absorbed ensuring no organisms or pathogens can be carried like wood which reduces the risk of contamination of the produce.

When it comes to food quality and safety it has to be plastic bins over wood!

Crane & Crane continuously strive to make improvements to the safety and quality standards they have on their 1000 acre farm in Washington. As a global supplier of over 7 million apples per year, need to ensure that they get the right produce to the customers globally all year round.

In order to improve their safety and quality standards, they have moved the whole farm from old wooden bins that have been used for decades to Macro Plastics’ bin. This has transformed their operations from the orchard to the warehouse through to storage.

You can see in the video how moving to 100% plastic has instantly helped improve the quality of their fresh produce.

With fresh produce now being required all year round on a global scale food safety is taken very seriously throughout the system. Plastic bins offer far better safety standards that wooden bins cannot provide.

The bins are non-porous meaning that they can be cleaned and sanitised a lot easier than wood. They won’t harbour pathogenic or spoilage organisms.

The plastic bins flex less than wooden bins that Crane & Crane have used previously. This gives the content more protection when they are being transported around the farm the orchards and into storage. This considerably reduces the risk of bruising, improving quality levels and reducing waste.