Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Automotive Logistics Conference, Bonn 2014 – How are you Exploring Value?

The theme of this year’s Automotive Logistics conference in Bonn is the Exploration of Value. As the supply chain industry evolves value is becoming the main focal point.

How do we transport automotive components globally as cheap and effectively as possible? This is the burning question on the manufacturers’ minds.

The global automotive market is growing at a pace; this requires more components being required in more locations more often. Quality, time and cost are the three core objectives. With competition growing all three have to be delivered to a high standard. And these standards will only grow as time goes on.

So my question is – if you are not using returnable packaging how are you exploring value in your supply chain and logistics solutions?

Where are you currently making efficiency and financial savings as well as improving quality at the same time?

Macro PlasticsISO Bin is the perfect example of how to explore the value of your supply chain in the automotive industry.

Do you know of an expendable packaging solution that optimises the space in an ISO container to 97.2%? Macro’s ISO bin can be stacked 3 high in a container when full and 8 high when empty. Ensuring that you are able to transport as much as possible for your money is a fine example of ensuring value.

This is only 1 example of exploring value.

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